Thursday, February 10

Snow day

I was a little confused yesterday when the receptionist from my optometrist's office called and left a message saying I could pick up my new eyeglasses that afternoon -- or that I could call and check tomorrow as they would only be open "weather permitting." I looked out the window and, although it was a bit overcast, the temperature still showed in the 40s.

Then I got to my Financial Planning class later that evening and overheard some of the women talking about Mr. Zookeeper's workplace already being on a two-hour delay. So, I busted out the handy iPhone, and sure enough, Virginia Beach was expecting a slight drop in temperatures and 1-2 inches of the good ol' white stuff.

Someone get the mayor on the phone...

There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been pointed out by every non-native resident of the state on Facebook, so I'll simply add my own eye roll and "puz-leaze" to the collective group sigh. I wonder if anyone is explaining to the kiddos that all these snow days they're enjoying will actually equate to extra days in the classroom this June?

For our part, Mr. Zookeeper still woke up early to clear off both the cars and head into work to get some things done while it was quiet around his building. I think it's cute that he cleaned off my car, seeing as how I work from home and you couldn't pay me to go out and share the roadways with the locals. Not even in that snazzy new AWD Outback. At least we know chivalry is still alive and well at our zoo.

For now the pups and I are snuggling up on the couch and reading aloud to Our Little Guy or Gal ("The Neverending Story"). I've got a turkey lasagna ready to go in the oven, and I'm seriously considering putting together a batch of sugar cookies. Snow days really bring out my domestic side, eh?

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