So, something is definitely up with poor Mr. Jager. He's been walking a little funny for the past two or three weeks -- but never limping or dragging any leg enough to make the problem obvious. Just odd. And we've also noticed that he's lost a bit of his natural grace. No more gentle leaping onto chairs and cat beds, now its a stilted jump and then awkward recovery/landing. Not only that, but once he makes his way onto my lap (which is becoming increasingly more difficult as the belly slowly expands) he is especially cuddly and needy. Mr. Zookeeper did some poking and prodding and he believes there may be a sprain or injury we can't see. So, Jager and Willicat will be off to the vet this Friday. (Willicat is due for his comprehensive, anyhow, and he helps to calm Jager down in the examination room.)
I always get to chuckling when I call to make appointments for Jager because no matter who I get on the phone, they are guaranteed to know about Jager. I knew he was a fussy kitty, but I didn't know how infamous he was at Banfield Pet Hospital until the second or third appointment we had with Diesel as a puppy. They were pulling up our other records and I noticed on the computer screen that after Jager's name, there was a stream of random punctuation marks and what not. It read: Jager!$&#@
I asked the vet tech if they had trouble spelling his name, since even we went back and forth with it when we named him.
" are just...well, they just mean he's in a special category."
You guys...they were using the "special" CUSS word category for Jager!!!
I'm not surprised -- or even annoyed -- because anyone who knows Jager knows that is totally his personality. (This is, after all, the same cat that was sent home from the groomers half-shaved because hew as putting up such a fuss.) He's the classic grumpy kitty. Even with Mr. Zookeeper and I, if we love on him for just a fraction of a second more than he finds acceptable, he will give a little bite. Not enough to hurt, just enough to wound your feelings. He's haughty and well aware of his superiority to all beings and creatures -- you know, typical cat through-and-through.
Willicat, on the other hand, couldn't be more opposite. He is aloof and generally satisfied with life. Very understanding of the puppy's desire to chew on him.
For all the different pairs at the Zoo, there seems to be a yin and yang type relationship. Diesel is playful and easygoing, whereas Dodge is rather sensitive and at times needy. Mr. Zookeeper is laidback and relaxed, and well...I think we all know where I stand. I think this means we can't be too far off from setting a date for Little Guy or Gal #2. Even with all the anxiety and apprehension I have about welcoming Our Little Guy or Gal #1, I know that he/she will need their yin, and probably the sooner, the better. Just Lord help us all if I ever see CUSS marks after that name!!
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