Thursday, February 24

Kiss the Cook

Yesterday I did the shopping, and today I’m tying on the apron. It’s time to get serious about cooking and freezing some meals for when Our Little Guy or Gal arrives.

Our menu:

The total grocery bill for all ingredients (not including basics like flour, olive oil, etc.) was $145.81. I didn’t use any coupons, only the rewards card at Food Lion, because I didn’t plan the meals around any specials. I’m hoping to have more structure (and more nutritional data) to our meal planning in the future, but this is a start for now.

This afternoon, I whipped up the Turkey Tortilla Casserole and the Meaty Moussaka.

I think tomorrow I'll try to get the Chicken Enchiladas, Lasagna and Beef Cheddar Pot Pie finished. 

In other news, my midwife is going to strip my membranes tomorrow in the hopes that we might be able to pop this kid out while Mr. Zookeeper is home next week. I'm only vaguely optimistic about the whole procedure because Our Little Guy or Gal seems pretty cozy at the moment, but it shouldn't hurt to try. Also, one week of being a Stay at Home Wife is enough to convince me I'm ready to add the "Mommy" title to my new gig. 

Almost forgot, pictures of the audience from my cooking show this afternoon:

Wednesday, February 23

No Words Wednesday

Sunday, February 20

2011 Library

What I've read: 
The Swan Thieves, Elizabeth Kostova: Eh, the characters and writing weren't really my style. Neither was the plot come to think of it. It wasn't difficult to "force" myself to finish it, just not really enjoyable. Not exactly the best way to kick off 2011's Library. Oh well. 

The Neverending Story, Michael Ende: This all transpired because Mr. Zookeeper and I were discussing baby names and I suggested "Fiona," which he claimed was the "princess's name from The Neverending Story." (Soooo not the case. I suppose he might have been thinking of Shrek?) I was pretty fuzzy on the details of the movie -- so imagine my surprise to find it was actually a pretty popular (and well-regarded) young adult novel from the 1980s and the entire premise of the plot revolves around a young boy's quest to find the PERFECT NAME for The Childlike Empress (ruler of Fantastica). Twas fate, no? I decided to read it out loud to Our Little Guy or Gal since he/she hears my voice so little during the day. (Working from home and being a bit of a hermit will do that to a gal.) Plus, it gave me a great excuse to try out all my character voices. Mr. Zookeeper is particularly fond of my Rock Person voice, while Our Little Guy or Gal seems to favor the Gnome Person accent.

Oh? And the name he finally settles on? Moonchild. Yeah, that's not happening...

Lady Vernon and Her Daughter, Jane Rubino and Caitlen Rubino-Bradway: Ding! Ding! Ding! Total winner. Easy two-day read. The book is based on a Jane Austen novella, and it's just what you would hope for in such a case: The characters are just a little less developed -- but no less enjoyable -- than you would expect from Jane Austen herself, and the authors have taken pains to stay true to Austen's style. (Although I get the feeling there is a wink every now and then to today's Chick Lit phenomenon.) It's not heavy reading, yet it's much more rewarding than the typical 20%-off-Target-bookclub fare. 

What I'm reading:
Little Bee, Chris Cleave: This is going to be another quick read. Of the two main characters, I find one a bit more believable than the other, which always makes me a little skeptical of a novel -- but the plot/storytelling work very well and I'm eager to get back to it. 

Thursday, February 17

By any other name...

Mr. Zookeeper and I still haven't settled on a name for Our Little Guy or Gal. I'm sure part of our indecision stems from being "Team Green," but a great deal of it is also owed to us being masters of procrastination. 

At any rate, because we keep a running list of names, I am uniquely tuned into them in all situations -- whether it's the credits rolling after a movie or the name tag on our waitress. But yesterday, when it was Diesel's turn at the vet (his 1 year vaccinations), I got to play a fun game while glancing around at the posters on the waiting room walls: Does the name belong to Human or Pet?


Photo selection #1: Mac and Rio:

Photo selection #2: Jorie and Sparkie (I'm sincerely hoping that "Sparkie" is the unhappy-looking kitty, but honestly...Jorie??)

Monday, February 14

Valentine's Day Surprise

Mr. Zookeeper had to leave at the crack of dawn for a week of training out of town...but he made sure to leave me with this gem of a "card" and a few Valentine's Day cupcakes, too. 

I'm a lucky girl. And I mean that sincerely. <3

Sunday, February 13

Well trained

I think the standard joke about marriage is that the woman spends her time training the man without raising his suspicions...but today I realized that in this relationship, Mr. Zookeeper might actually be the puppeteer.

He made a big deal about downloading the new Disney movie "Tangled" before I left for church this morning, and even referred to it once or twice on our walk with the dogs. I didn't think much of it, but as soon as we got the leashes off and sat ourselves down on the couch, he reached for the remote and clicked "play." 

The man is not well known for his love of Disney fare -- and I had never asked him to download this particular gem. In fact, the only time I could remember mentioning it was when the movie was first coming out in theaters (back in November) and I suggested that I might drag one of my girlfriends out for it while he was away for work. 

When I pointed out that he seemed more eager for this slice of computer-animated fluff than I was, he just shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

About fifteen minutes in, though, he got up to get me a glass of water and then puttered around the garage for a few minutes. "Should I pause it?" "Oh no, that's okay. You keep watching. I'll be right back."

Then the power tools started whirring, and as I sat on the couch with a dog on each side it suddenly dawned on me that we were all his pawns. The dogs happily chewing on their large rawhide bones, while I was glazed over wondering how Mandy Moore had managed to go so long without being Disney Princess-ized. No one pestering or flittering about his heels as he pounded and hammered on some parts for the motorcycle. 

Clever, clever boy. 

Thursday, February 10

Things my dogs have consumed...

...without any serious repercussions to their digestive systems:
  • One pair of eyeglasses
  • A platter of deviled eggs (apparently Mr. Zookeeper's pregnancy cravings are worse than mine)
  • An entire bottle of KY Jelly (I know, I know...)
  • The last chapter of "The Swan Thieves"
  • At least one watch

And the list continues. Le sigh.

Snow day

I was a little confused yesterday when the receptionist from my optometrist's office called and left a message saying I could pick up my new eyeglasses that afternoon -- or that I could call and check tomorrow as they would only be open "weather permitting." I looked out the window and, although it was a bit overcast, the temperature still showed in the 40s.

Then I got to my Financial Planning class later that evening and overheard some of the women talking about Mr. Zookeeper's workplace already being on a two-hour delay. So, I busted out the handy iPhone, and sure enough, Virginia Beach was expecting a slight drop in temperatures and 1-2 inches of the good ol' white stuff.

Someone get the mayor on the phone...

Monday, February 7

Exclamation point, ampersand, pound sign...

So, something is definitely up with poor Mr. Jager. He's been walking a little funny for the past two or three weeks -- but never limping or dragging any leg enough to make the problem obvious. Just odd. And we've also noticed that he's lost a bit of his natural grace. No more gentle leaping onto chairs and cat beds, now its a stilted jump and then awkward recovery/landing. Not only that, but once he makes his way onto my lap (which is becoming increasingly more difficult as the belly slowly expands) he is especially cuddly and needy. Mr. Zookeeper did some poking and prodding and he believes there may be a sprain or injury we can't see. So, Jager and Willicat will be off to the vet this Friday. (Willicat is due for his comprehensive, anyhow, and he helps to calm Jager down in the examination room.)

I always get to chuckling when I call to make appointments for Jager because no matter who I get on the phone, they are guaranteed to know about Jager. I knew he was a fussy kitty, but I didn't know how infamous he was at Banfield Pet Hospital until the second or third appointment we had with Diesel as a puppy. They were pulling up our other records and I noticed on the computer screen that after Jager's name, there was a stream of random punctuation marks and what not. It read: Jager!$&#@

I asked the vet tech if they had trouble spelling his name, since even we went back and forth with it when we named him.

" are just...well, they just mean he's in a special category."

You guys...they were using the "special" CUSS word category for Jager!!!

I'm not surprised -- or even annoyed -- because anyone who knows Jager knows that is totally his personality. (This is, after all, the same cat that was sent home from the groomers half-shaved because hew as putting up such a fuss.) He's the classic grumpy kitty. Even with Mr. Zookeeper and I, if we love on him for just a fraction of a second more than he finds acceptable, he will give a little bite. Not enough to hurt, just enough to wound your feelings. He's haughty and well aware of his superiority to all beings and creatures -- you know, typical cat through-and-through.

Willicat, on the other hand, couldn't be more opposite. He is aloof and generally satisfied with life. Very understanding of the puppy's desire to chew on him.

For all the different pairs at the Zoo, there seems to be a yin and yang type relationship. Diesel is playful and easygoing, whereas Dodge is rather sensitive and at times needy. Mr. Zookeeper is laidback and relaxed, and well...I think we all know where I stand. I think this means we can't be too far off from setting a date for Little Guy or Gal #2. Even with all the anxiety and apprehension I have about welcoming Our Little Guy or Gal #1, I know that he/she will need their yin, and probably the sooner, the better. Just Lord help us all if I ever see CUSS marks after that name!!

Friday, February 4

Four weeks

Four weeks left. Absolute insanity.

I had my 36-week appt. today with the other midwife at our practice. Love her! If I wasn't so fond of my current midwife, I think I'd probably ask for more appointments with this woman. She is chattier and a bit warmer, in general. But my current midwife is really so sweet -- she made special arrangements to see me my first few appointments with this pregnancy because of our loss in March. And I was so touched with how she handled the first ultrasound. She insisted on holding my hand (Mr. Zookeeper couldn't be there) even while she was working the wand. I was sooo nervous and it was so nice to feel like someone was really "there" for me -- and not just in the capacity of a medical care giver.

This was the bean during his/her first photo-op at eight weeks...

Hard to believe we only have four more weeks to go...although I have a feeling Our Little Guy or Gal will want to sleep in a bit. So maybe six weeks?! I could use some extra days to prepare the house...

Speaking of which, I've started to work on a few photo projects for the nursery. Next week I'll start painting and collaging for the wall art, but this is the progress I've made with photoshop so far. Hoping to get a few of these in frames for the dressers/walls, etc. I still need to get them printed and see how I can work them into our color theme. The only one I really feel positive will work is the 'Beach' photo, the others I might have to place elsewhere around the house.

Thursday, February 3

Bad boys, bad boys...


The dogs are at it again. 

The last few nights, Diesel has been inviting Dodge out to the backyard for some wild, out-of-control play dates -- and Dodge has been bringing the snacks.

"Who us?"

Last night's romp took place around 2 a.m. when I woke up to the crazy clicking and clacking of puppy paws on my hardwood floors (they run frantically inside and outside just to abuse their doggie doors, I think). I crawled out of bed and thought I would console myself with one or two of the delicious homemade whoopie pies my mother-in-law had sent down in a care package that day.

I'm sure you've already guessed this next part, but I'll confirm your suspicions: That night's snack menu included the whoopie pies, as well as the Tupperware containers they came in and a bag of Hershey's Kisses. (Honestly, I think I was most upset about the Tupperware! We've been having the hardest time convincing the boys that these aren't toys that we leave out on the counter for them. Ugh.)

I guess it wouldn't have really been so bad (honestly, they probably saved me a little grief during my next weigh-in at the doc's), but the night before they consumed two dozen Toffee Butterscotch cookies I was baking to bring up to my baby shower this weekend.

And the night before that, they carried two pairs of dress shoes and a hooded sweatshirt out into the cold.

(I realize this would all be better with photographic before/after evidence, and I'm making a goal now to start documenting more of my day-to-day life with pictures. Promise!)

It seems like these incidents always happen when Mr. Zookeeper is away. For one, I go to bed a bit earlier, so I think they're restless. And for another, I just don't play with them as hard as Mr. Zookeeper does* -- especially when I'm eight months pregnant -- and they're left with all this pent-up destructive energy.

*See below, from Christmas vacation at my father-in-law's house.

At any rate, it was a pretty frustrating day at The Zoo. It does give me some encouragement for what's ahead, though. If I can survive the bitter disappointment of finding out two dozen scrumptious whoopie pies have been devoured by totally undeserving canines, than I'm pretty sure I can deal with a toddler who breaks mommy's iPhone. After all, I've never had a 2 a.m. iPhone craving... 

Tuesday, February 1

Our Little Guy or Gal is homeless no more!

A few weekends ago we started to make real progress on the nursery. Mr. Zookeeper transformed the world's smallest half bathroom into a proper closet. (Honestly, what would possess someone to convert a closet into a half bathroom for a 10'x10' room in the first place?! Our home is 1,100 square feet and had TWO AND A HALF bathrooms when we moved in. Mr. Zookeeper and I just aren't that "regular," if you know what I mean.)

When Mr. Zookeeper and I had our (very delayed) housewarming BBQ last spring, I made all his friends use this bathroom. Not because I didn't trust them in the proper guest bathroom -- but because most of them could barely fit in here and it cracked me up. (World class hostess, right here.)

(I've since made a few improvements to the closet, but I'll show you all that when I do an update about the finished nursery.)