When Mr. Zookeeper and I had our (very delayed) housewarming BBQ last spring, I made all his friends use this bathroom. Not because I didn't trust them in the proper guest bathroom -- but because most of them could barely fit in here and it cracked me up. (World class hostess, right here.)
(I've since made a few improvements to the closet, but I'll show you all that when I do an update about the finished nursery.)
The next step was to paint. I chose "Baby Bee Yellow" from Home Depot's Disney/Behr line.
I insisted on doing the painting myself; partly as a favor to Mr. Zookeeper (he loathes painting), and also because one of the stories I cherish from my mom's pregnancy with me is the thought of her wallpapering (Care Bears!) and decorating my room while she was 8 months pregnant. Owning a home was such a big deal to her then, and she was really proud of having done the nursery herself. I really like sharing that experience with her.)
But, as Mr. Zookeeper pointed out, I'm really not cut out for big projects. Not detail oriented or patient enough. I ended up with half the paint on myself or the carpet. Le sigh. (When I explained to Mr. Zookeeper that EVERYONE gets messy when they paint, he calmly replied, "Kate, you've only been painting for five minutes...")
But again: I survived. And the room is no worse for my efforts.
The next day we moved the furniture in. The dressers and crib ("Palisades" by Europa Baby from BRU) had been sitting in our garage since October...I imagine they were nearly as relieved as we were for them to finally be inside.
The bedding is "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" from Land of Nod, and that's a "How Now Brown Cow" bouncer by Fisher Price from Target. The artwork above the crib is just something we had leftover from the office (I believe it was originally purchased at Target), and the blue utility-looking rug is just a $30 cheapie from Wal-Mart.
When Mr. Zookeeper gets home this Sunday, he'll set up our glider (Carter's Sleigh Glider with Ottoman from BRU) and probably do a little bit of furniture rearranging. I'll also be working on a few wall art projects. I'm planning a few pieces inspired by songs I've been singing to Our Little Guy or Gal ("You Are My Sunshine" and "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," mostly).
Last, but not least, couldn't leave you without some evidence of "the zoo" participating in the nursery project. I give you: Big Brother Dodge calmly standing watch as we set up the crib.
And Brother Diesel cuddling with Our Little Guy or Gal's pillow on our old daybed.
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