Saturday, September 17

10 Questions for a Rainy Day

  1. If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for? Uhhh, easy one: It would be awesome and it would be for the Sons of Anarchy season finale. A viewing party of sorts, with everyone dressed up as bikers. It would start in the early afternoon with BBQ, corn hole, lots of beers, and kids running all over. It would be one of those family-friendly biker parties, y'know? 
  2. If you could paint a picture of any scenery you’ve seen before, what would you paint? Venice. The main channel when you first taxi in, with those gorgeous buildings reflected in the green water and a gondolier floating along a young couple, the woman wearing a red sundress, and a man in a business suit steering a larger boat. 
  3. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? Oh, I suppose 27, although I'm pretty excited to see what 30 is like. 
  4. If you knew the world was ending in 2012, what would you do differently? Spend more money, I guess. Oh, and work on my time machine.
  5. If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I desperately need someone to teach me how to use a sewing machine. Like, soon. For the sake of all my houseguests who have to duck down below our windows every time they want to change a shirt because I am too stubborn to buy curtains when I have extra cloth material and a perfectly good sewing machine in the closet.
  6. If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? Is my son considered a "project"? I'd like to devote a lot of time to blogging. Or making another baby. It really depends on how this word "project" is being used...
  7. If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet? Oscar Wilde. No, that's a knee-jerk reaction to the question. I think....James MacAvoy. No, he's too short, it would kill the fantasy. Is this just for a handshake or do I get a conversation?? How about...Angelina Jolie. Let's be honest. It was always going to be Angelina. 
  8. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Call a lawyer?? I think I need to devote more time to this question, because my older brother has a very detailed plan for this very occasion. And it does not include calling family. :/
  9. If you were reincarnated as an animal/drink/ice cream flavor, what would it be? A penguin. No explanation needed. 
  10. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? It's a toss-up between Elizabeth Bennett of "Pride & Prejudice" and Rogue from "The Uncanny X-Men" series. (NOT the silly movie-version of Rogue that is popular now.) Elizabeth has a much happier life/disposition, though, so I guess....Final Answer: Liz Bennett.

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